Ideas, Happenings, and Shiny Things!

Post your thoughts, what's going on, and link to anything that distracts you. :^)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Just a few fun links... first, a great page of a TON of tongue twisters, which I actually got from the professor of the linguistics 101 course I'm TAing.

And then, in a more serious vein, my brother has started a new group blog for world news... each person (including me, I'm South America) is taking a region of the world and reporting on it.. this allows us to get to know the region and eventually give some more commentary and explanation of the history and current events that form the context of the news. :-)

Hope you all are doing well... I'm working away at the introduction of my QP!

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Posted by Christa at 8:01 AM.


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