Ideas, Happenings, and Shiny Things!

Post your thoughts, what's going on, and link to anything that distracts you. :^)

Friday, July 29, 2005

Old (lost, but refound) "Backstroke of the West" post

So, I don't know if any of you saw this back when it came out, because the original blog entry disappeared rather quickly.

Anyway, it's a HILARIOUS sampling of the translations (which were from English to Chinese and then back to English) from Return of the Sith (which became "Backstroke of the West" in Chinese).

You can check it out, here. My favorite line: "I've been made by the Presbyterian Church!"

Posted by Christa at 3:13 PM.


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Is there a "correct" way to speak slang?

Hey, I have to ask you all if my instinctive reaction on this is wrong.

I found a blog where a group of linguists (many of them professionals whose names I know! :-D ) discuss various linguistics issues in terms of day-to-day life.

Anyway, this was about whether linguists were making a dent in people's perspectives on slang and dialects; more specifically, about whether the general populace thinks that there is a "correct" way to speak Ebonics.

And I quote:

Yesterday, The New York Times had a story about a young black woman from tough streets in Jersey City who is coaching an actress on playing her in a movie. She mentioned teaching the actress how to "speak Ebonics the correct way."

To be sure, the example the girl gives is a matter of having the freshest slang. But then few people besides linguists have much but a vague sense of what grammar is, and then, the typical white youngster would be unlikely to refer to their in-group slang as a matter of "correct" versus "wrong." In this girl's comment, we might hear an easy linguistic confidence that is exactly what "Ebonics" advocates see as lacking in speakers of the dialect.

As much as I would love to think that linguists have gotten the idea out that dialects like Ebonics are as fully grammatical as traditional dialects (like "standard" English), I'm not so sure that this says any such thing. Do you all think it's true, as he says above (and I added emphasis) that we wouldn't say there was a correct way to use our 'in-group slang'? I think, for example, of the Northern California slang (like "hella") and the types of things that Clueless made popular (using "like" and "all"). I could swear that I have said in the past that there was a right and a wrong way to use "like" as a pause in a sentence... what do you all think?

Sorry for the almost intellectual interlude. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming. (But not before it's your chocolatey goodness! :-D )

Posted by Christa at 2:50 PM.


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Thursday, July 21, 2005

10th Anniversary of "Clueless"

Here's a great article I just read...

This week marks a milestone -- a tragic one, some would say -- in the history of American English. Ten years ago this week, the movie "Clueless," starring Alicia Silverstone, was released. And our language was, like, forever changed.

Not only does it strike me as funny that someone is writing an article about the 10th anniversary of Clueless, but there also happens to be some good linguistics in this article! So, if you want to read a bit about the linguistics of Californian speech... here's the place. :-D

Posted by Christa at 11:11 AM.


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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Observation Skills

Hehe, give this a try. I think you all knew what my result would be.. ;-)

Overall, Your Observation Skills Get: C+
You tend to notice the big things in life...
But the details aren't exactly your forte
How Observant Are You?

But did anyone else notice that it really should be "Observational Skills" rather than "Observation Skills"? ;-)

Posted by Christa at 8:13 AM.


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Sunday, July 10, 2005


Are these margins better, Charlie?

I had to fudge a bit and set a length on them, so hopefully they won't turn out too short or too long on a regular basis. It was the only way I could get them to work, though, so..

Any more comments? Anything hard to read, hard to see, not coming out right, looks weird.. anything?

Thanks for the input I've gotten so far, though!

Posted by Christa at 4:16 PM.


Yeah, as I said at the beginning, the colors are up to you guys. I just picked a random color combination that seemed good (and without pinks and purples, in deference to the males ;-) ). I'm going to comment out the template eventually to show which colors go where so that it can be easily changed, and then we can change it with holidays or whatever else we feel like. ;-)

Do you think the text should be white instead of black? I wasn't sure if that would show up on the sidebar/header, but it just might. Up to you...

By Blogger Christa, at 4:34 PM  

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Friday, July 08, 2005

Back in Never Never Land...

... aka New Jersey. It was fun seeing those of you I was able to see--and I'm sorry I missed the rest of you. :-( But I will see you again. And I expect everyone to pop into the blog and make their presence known at least every so often, so that we know what's going on!

Plus, phone calls will be appreciated, especially once I'm on Verizon. I'll let you know when I am. You'll have to get the phone number in a more private way, though. I'm not posting it on the blog--sorry. ;-)

Posted by Christa at 3:08 PM.


Yeah, I can. I meant if anyone didn't have my current one. I guess most people do, though. ;-)

By Blogger Christa, at 1:53 AM  

Ooh, no margins! *is working on the template right now..*

By Blogger Christa, at 10:58 AM  

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Sunday, July 03, 2005

Living Dangerously

I'm writing this template from scratch, so it needs a lot of work, and the colors are completely open to change. However, I wanted to post this here and show you what I was working on. If people hate it and want it changed back, let me know. Also let me know what you'd like to see in the next iteration!

Posted by Christa at 1:53 PM.


So the color isn't horrible? It's a miracle! ;-) (Or, you're just being nice. Also a possibility.)

I haven't fiddled with the fonts yet, so I will definitely make the sidebar fonts smaller.. and maybe the whole sidebar, once I change the margins. I'm trying to minimize the need for scrolling by keeping posts/comments large.

By Blogger Christa, at 7:18 PM  

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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Please Note: I now exist by my real name

No more confusion is necessary. ;-)

Also, is anyone interested in a new template that I'm working on that would put comments side by side with the posts? You can see the working version at my new blog, also under my real name (though of course the colors could be changed for our blog): Christa the Linguist Monster.

Let me know what you think. It's your chocolatey goodness!

Posted by Christa at 2:36 PM.


We should probably inform people of what that means, eventually, shouldn't we?

By Blogger Christa, at 1:56 PM  

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