Ideas, Happenings, and Shiny Things!

Post your thoughts, what's going on, and link to anything that distracts you. :^)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'm Coming! :-D

Yes, that's right. I'll be in San Jose in just 4 days, give or take some hours. ;-) Looking forward to seeing all of you--give me a call!

Posted by Christa at 10:13 PM.


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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Word Hunt.. and, is anyone still out there?

Most of these are before our time, but I found it interesting that OED is looking for earlier uses of these words.. Check it out here.

Is anyone else still out there? Or am I just posting for my own benefit (which would be kind of silly, really)?

Posted by Christa at 12:48 PM.


I'm still out here...somewhere ;-)

By Blogger Jason, at 1:16 PM  

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My "aunt" Karen with her granddaughter Tallulah (and the Elmo pillow that I made her)! :-) Posted by Hello

Posted by Christa at 2:20 PM.


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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Crazy Cat Video

For cat-lovers and cat-haters alike comes this great video of cat "bloopers".. enjoy!

Click here!

Posted by Christa at 7:10 PM.


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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Osprey Point

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that I, like Charlie, am on vacation. It's not so exotic (I'm only in Maryland) but I am on a gorgeous resort/retreat on the coast. I can't post everywhere everyday, though, so I'm going to be posting on my blog. So, if you want to see what's going on, you'll have to check there. ;-)

Oh, by the way, my dates of homeness are now fixed on the time that I put in the previous post, in case anyone is wondering. :-P

Posted by Christa at 12:59 PM.


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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Dates of Homeness

This may be a little late for anyone to actually see it, but... Does anyone have major objections to my being in San Jose from June 27th to July 7th? That is, is anyone not going to be in San Jose during that time? If so, when *are* you going to be there? I'm trying to see the maximum number of people, but obviously I'm not going to be able to see everyone. No matter how much I wish I could. :-( So... what'cha say?

Posted by Christa at 3:15 PM.


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Pure Weirdness

Sometimes you just have one of those "it's a small world" kind of experiences. Here's one: There was a front page article in the Mercury News today about the Power of a name.. it was about churches that are changing their names in order to appeal to our generation. Here's the weird part--it mentioned the church I have sometimes gone to, in NEW JERSEY!

Mosaic, a popular church that meets in a downtown Los Angeles nightclub, was named to convey the diversity of its members. In New Jersey, Liquid offers ``Living Water for a Thirsty Generation.'' And Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis likens itself to the public area of that name inside the Temple in Jerusalem where early Christians ministered to others.

How weird is that?

In case you're not interested in that kind of weirdness today, something else weird happened yesterday. I have this niece (okay, so she's my second cousin-once-removed... picky picky).. she's about sixteen months old, and my cousin (her mother) posted this movie of her dancing. It's very cute. Go watch it.

The weirdness comes in when I showed it to someone, and she was CONVINCED that it had been digitally edited. She didn't believe my cousin/niece could actually dance like that! Hehe, it was pretty funny trying to convince her of the reality of it, even though I had seen it with my own eyes (well, not that particular part, but I saw her dancing for sure!)..

So yeah. Weirdness.

Posted by Christa at 8:23 AM.


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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Blast from the Past

So, I just read this...

WASHINGTON - Bursting into tears, eighth-grader Anurag Kashyap of California became the U.S. spelling champ Thursday, beating 272 other spellers in a tough two days of competition. He said he felt "just pure happiness."

Anurag, 13, of Poway clinched "appoggiatura," a melodic tone, to take home some $30,000 in prizes. He won in the 19th round of the 78th Annual National Scripps Spelling Bee.

I did a little more digging, and it turns out that not only is Anurag from Poway (which is the town I lived in from 2nd to 7th grade, in case you're wondering) but he goes to the same middle school that I went to! What are the chances of that?? ;-)

Had to make note, because that was just too "small world" for me. :-D

Posted by Christa at 1:33 PM.


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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A Great Article

Here's a fun article my mother-cousin passed on to me about a different kind of English class..

Completely Devoid of Content

As you can see, the title is somewhat provocative in and of itself. ;-) I'm going to second what Karen (my mother-cousin) said and say, "I wish I had taken an English class like that!" (Not that I needed it, per se, but it would have been great fun.)

Posted by Christa at 8:03 AM.


Well, I call her my "aunt" most of the time, but yes.. she is truly my mother-cousin (as in, my mother's cousin.. ;-) ).

By Blogger Christa, at 11:59 AM  

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