Ideas, Happenings, and Shiny Things!

Post your thoughts, what's going on, and link to anything that distracts you. :^)

Saturday, May 28, 2005


Yay! I've been at Balticon all day, including a panel. My favorite part: the buttons!

Yes, the buttons. Leaving out the ones that I'm giving to people or that I don't think will interest you, here are some of the fun ones:

-- If God had meant for us to use metric, He would have given us ten fingers

-- The trouble with being an adult is that it takes up so much of your time

-- Calculus: the agony and dx/dt

-- Come on, people - I can only do six things at once and one of them HAS to be breathing

-- "Oh, bother," said the Borg. "We've assimilated Pooh."

-- First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because I no verbs.

-- Society for the Protecting of Punctuation
An apostrophe does not mean BEWARE OF ONCOMING 'S'

-- I am Locution of Borg. Prepare to be a simile.

-- Join the Society for the Restoration of Lost Positives Together we can gruntle and shevel the world

-- It's not the verbing that weirds the language, it's the renounification

-- "Oh, sure... but what's the speed of dark?"

-- Therapy is expensive. Poppin' bubble wrap is cheap. You choose.

-- Ooooh, SHINY!

-- A: Because it loses context.
Q: Why is top-posting bad?

-- πr2
Pie are not square.
Pie are round.
Cornbread are square.

Hope you enjoyed.. sorry the post got so long! ;-)

Posted by Christa at 7:32 PM.


We do? :-P

By the way, I got one that says, "Hooked on phonetics worked for me" in IPA. :-D

By Blogger Christa, at 5:32 PM  

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Double-Income Trap

I hope I'm not making you think too much, as summer is starting, but this was an interesting article.. most of us are not in danger of entering the double-income trap YET (with the notable exception of Lisa and Ryan ;-) ), but I think considering these things is important, so...

Feeling the Pinch of a Double Income

Some interesting quotes/excerpts...

The problem is...

For a number of reasons -- layoffs, medical emergencies, ailing parents and new babies -- couples are realizing that double-income days don’t necessarily last forever. They’re buying financial help books, refinancing mortgages, shopping warehouse stores and searching desperately for ways to work from home.

They are, according to authors Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, stuck in a “two-income trap.” Their book, The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke, tackles the question: Why are dual-income families, who earn far more than their single-income counterparts of past generations, hitting financial bottom?

And the promise of the article...

But for those who haven’t yet committed -- for college students, newlyweds and young marrieds -- there’s hope.

I'll let you read the article to learn the solution offered.

Though we may not be in a 'double-income' trap, yet, I think we are also in danger of falling into the 'high-income' trap. It's never too early to start practicing saving and depending on a lower income than we have. I'm off to work on my budget...

Sorry for the serious post. ;-) Now back to your regularly scheduled silly programming...

Posted by Christa at 10:30 AM.


I think the point of the article is for you to be able to BE a stay-at-home mom, Lisa. ;-)

By Blogger Christa, at 6:24 PM  

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Updated Links

Just wanted to point out that I fixed the links so they actually pointed somewhere relevant to the blog (though if you want one to Google News back, it can be arranged). Speaking of arranging, are there any other people who have blogs that they want linked, or other permanent links to other places? Let me know, and I can add them. I'm so excited to have my computer back! :-D

Posted by Christa at 8:29 PM.


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Back and done! :-D

Along with Lexi, I am rejoicing to be finished. :-D I finished my last term paper on Saturday (which was when it was due) and it came out to 13 pages single-spaced (after the minimum was 7 pages.. oops. ;-) )

And my computer is back, and healthy again. They had to replace the motherboard--when my computer crashes, it CRASHES.

I'm so glad to see everyone on this blog! :-D

Posted by Christa at 12:41 PM.


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Friday, May 20, 2005

I'm Famous (well, not quite...)

Okay, so maybe this doesn't make me *actually* famous, but... I'm on a few panels at a sci-fi/fantasy convention! The convention in Baltimore, Maryland, and it's called Balticon. And you can find me on the list of invited guests here! :-D Pretty nifty, eh? Well, it's keeping me going through finishing this pesky term paper and trying to work on my qualifying paper, at least...

Posted by Christa at 4:15 PM.


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Not-so-shiny Happenings

I think you all know who this is, even though this isn't my real name. Just thought I'd warn everyone that my computer crashed (and I mean completely--something shorted out inside; my dad is predicting that it was the motherboard). Right now, I'm on my aunt's computer, ostensibly finishing my term paper... can you see the progress being made right now? ;-) But, the point is, once I finish my term paper it is not likely that I will be online even as much as I am now.. and the absolute soonest I'm likely to get my computer (or a replacement) is next Wednesday. *cries* So, yeah. Not so shiny, as I said. But, now you know.

Posted by Christa at 4:12 PM.


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